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AY2024 Tuition Fees for Temasek Polytechnic


Post Date : 16 Dec 2023
AY2023 Tuition Fees for Temasek Polytechnic


Post Date : 16 Dec 2022
Little Skool House Children’s Day Celebration 2022

In commemoration of Children’s Day, 49 Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 children from Little Skool House (Temasek Poly) started off their day with a...

Early Childhood Development & Education

School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Post Date : 11 Oct 2022
Engineering excellence @TP

TP Engineering students have consistently performed well in the prestigious WorldSkills Singapore (WSS) competition over the years.

School of Engineering

Post Date : 04 Jan 2022
AY2022 Tuition Fees for Temasek Polytechnic


Post Date : 10 Dec 2021
engAGE Ageing Symposium 2021 - Reshaping Lifelong Learning: Silver Linings from COVID-19

The theme of the symposium for this year was “Reshaping Lifelong Learning: Silver Linings from COVID-19”, an apt reminder not just for how far we have...

School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Post Date : 03 Dec 2021
GEM-IG X LEAD Ambassadors Collaborate with RSVP to celebrate International Day of Older Persons 2021

Celebrating with the community has been significantly hindered since the COVID-19 pandemic hit us. Nevertheless, the restrictions and physical limitations...

School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Post Date : 01 Dec 2021
The Ultimate Guide to Cleaner Hawker Centres

When was the last time you visited a hawker centre and could not find a table due to unreturned trays? More often than not, the sight of unreturned trays...

School of Business

Stop Press

Post Date : 27 Aug 2021
Supporting Local F&B During The Pandemic

While most food and beverage (F&B) outlets have mitigated the financial impact of the pandemic by turning to food delivery services, one group has been...

School of Business

Stop Press

Post Date : 27 Aug 2021
Graduating in COVID Times

In 2021, the graduates were fortunate that the ceremony was timed well and held just before Phase 2 (Heightened Alert). To the graduates of 2020/21, the...

School of Business

Stop Press

Post Date : 21 Jul 2021